Employers Guide to Workers’ Rights: Join our Live Webinar!
Employers Guide to Workers’ Rights: Join our Live Webinar! Looking for a refresher on current workplace rights? Whether you are an employer, HR professional, or employee, understanding these rights and the latest compliance [...]
Does your business have an Accident Prevention Program?
Does your Business have an Accident Prevention Program? Are you aware that Washington State requires every employer to create a written Accident Prevention Program (APP)? From small businesses, to logging or firefighters, [...]
Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce Relaunches Comprehensive Community Events Calendar
Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce Relaunches Comprehensive Community Events Calendar The Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce has announced the relaunch of WhatCALENDAR.com, a newly refreshed community events calendar that is intended to [...]
No on Initiative 1 – a higher minimum wage
Vote No Again The proponents say this initiative is for affordability. We agree our community is not affordable for many of our residents. Unfortunately, the primary thing this initiative will do is simply make things [...]
Downtown Public Safety Solutions
Working Together for Additional Public Safety Solutions The Downtown Bellingham Partnership, in collaboration with the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and a group of community-minded leaders and business owners, are working together to encourage [...]
Why “Yes for Kids”
Why "Yes for Kids" October 12, 2022 You may have seen our name as a supporter of the Healthy Children's Fund (Prop 5) to be on the ballot in November. Yes, you read that correctly. [...]
Travel COVID Testing Needs to go says Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and Surrey Board of Trade
Travel COVID Testing Needs to go says Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and Surrey Board of Trade Nov 8th, 2021 at 12:55 pm The Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Surrey Board of Trade [...]
The six organizational values that define the Bellingham Regional Chamber
The six values that define the Bellingham Regional Chamber You can learn a lot about an organization by what it is committed to and how it conducts its business. For the Bellingham Regional Chamber of [...]
2021 Top 7 Under 40 Young Professionals Announced and Celebration Planned
2021 Top 7 Under 40 Young Professionals Announced and Celebration Planned It is that time of the year again when we celebrate our young professionals in our region. Our annual Top 7 Under 40 Whatcom [...]
Chamber Welcomes Schantell Hummel
Chamber Welcomes Schantell Hummel Here at the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce, we’re all about connecting and getting to know the people who make up our community. We’d love it if you could get to [...]
Vote No on Initiative #4
Vote "NO" on Initiative #4 As reported before, the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has officially opposed Initiative #1 and #4. There are reasons to be concerned about all four. We decided [...]
Action Alert: Initiatives on the ballot this fall
Action Alert: Initiatives on the ballot this fall On the ballot for City of Bellingham voters this fall are four initiatives that could greatly impact our business community. Generally, the initiatives cover landlord/tenant law, policing [...]