TIME: I understand that the Leadership Whatcom program is comprised of a one-day Orientation Session, followed by monthly day-long, and the culminating May session and graduation celebration. Participants will use these months to test and apply leadership skills. I agree to attend ALL sessions. I understand that in order to complete the program, I must participate in all sessions, and that any participant missing more than 30 minutes of any session may be asked to withdraw from the program and that no portion of the tuition shall be refunded. Leadership Whatcom recognizes that emergencies do arise and is willing to accommodate some special circumstances.
TUITION: Tuition for Leadership Whatcom is $1,200 for Chamber members and $1,500 for non-members, with payment in full is due by Monday, October 2, 2023.
COMMITMENT: I understand the purpose and scope of the Leadership Whatcom program. If I am selected, I will participate fully and devote the time and resources necessary to complete this program, including class time, out-of-class time, and tuition. I understand that the intent is to increase my own leadership capacity and support the learning of other participants while exploring leadership skills and the issues affecting Whatcom County. I agree to support and follow the ground rules as developed by the class at the orientation and throughout the program. I understand the above commitment and agree to be bound to it by signing this application.