Meet our Board of Directors
Name? Troy Wills
Business? First Federal Bank
Job Title? V.P. | Market Area Manager
Years in current role/with employer/in industry? 2 years current role | 26 years in industry
How long have you been a Chamber Ambassador and board member? Board Member 6+ years
Industry questions:
What is the most important change that has occurred in your business or industry in the past year? Technology with banking is changing…options and choices and I am really enjoying that.
What is your personal favorite product or service that your company sells/provides and why? Banking is banking…however at First Federal we promote “community” and I love that package to sell
Do you see any industry trends that your company will need to respond to in the next year? Banking is changing…people want options and technology. We have to stay focused on personalized service and being open to options! You can’t be everything to everybody…it’s a balance.
What is the best piece of advice you could give someone who is starting out in your industry? Be honest with yourself and be patient!
If you could own/operate another local business, what would it be and why? I’d love to operate a car detailing shop and or a movie& beverage bistro!
Profession questions:
How do you start your average day? Up early and off to the gym to get a great work out in to jump start a productive day.
Who is the person that had the biggest impact on your career and why? At my last employer I reported to a woman who was a regional manager and she was more like a change agent. She taught me to push harder, look deeper and be curious as to the “why” and to always find a way to make something work. If it couldn’t work…fail forward and learn from it. I am a better manager and leader today from this…
What (or who) is your top “go-to” place (or person) for business and professional advice? Ummm…hmm, great question. I have a very close and small group of colleagues that I trust completely. I call them Troy’s Professional Board of Directors and will bounce ideas and challenges through them to help navigate me.
Fun & personal questions
Favorite sport/team? Or movie? Well of course the Seahawks!
Favorite place to eat lunch? I love Avenue Bread or Jalapeno’s
What do you do for fun? Water is my “ahhh ha” place. Nothing better than floating or boating
Favorite reading material/website/magazine/blog or book? Does Zappo’s count? I love my shoes!!